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Biobanking refers to the collection and storage of biological materials and related data. Biobanking may also involve testing. Researchers can utilise biobank samples and the collected data in a variety of research and development projects.

The biological materials can be organic materials of human, animal or plant origin, or micro-organisms or multicellular organisms that are not animals or plants (such as seaweed or fungi).

Confidentiality of the collected and stored data plays a key role in the biobanking of samples of human origin. Consent for collecting the samples and data is requested from the persons providing the samples.

Accreditation of biobanking is used to ensure the competence, impartiality and consistency of biobanks to ensure traceability and high-quality handling of the biological materials and related data.

FINAS has been accepting applications for accreditation from biobanks since 3.1.2022. ​​​

Requirements and guidelines (updated 16th of​ December 2020)

The accreditation requirement for biobanks is:​​

SFS-EN ISO 20387:2020 Biotechnology. Biobanking. General requirements for biobanking​


biobanks; accreditation